
Showing posts from June, 2021
Rincon Surf Pioneer: Ken Kesson (1928-2015) By Vince Burns Facebook Twitter Email 1  of 3 Ken Kesson at Rincon Point, ca. 1957. Note the Rincon emblazoned shirt Kesson wears was handmade as the big surf clothing and merchandise brands had yet to emerge – and in the background, the artificial Richfield Oil Island (construction completed 1958). Courtesy of Steve Halsted Photographer Jason Lumley at Rincon Point, ca. 1962. Courtesy of Steve Halsted Jason Lumley’s 1957 inscription in the Rincon surfing scrapbook included Christmas well wishes to the Halsteds. Facebook Twitter Email Print S A well-worn scrapbook of photographs and enthusiastic musings about the Rincon scene captured a pivotal moment in surfing’s rise in California, just as it began the transition from an outlaw sport for rebels like Dick Metz to a mainstream activity backed by a just-forming wave of films, television and music. Created by frequent Point visitor Jason Lumley, the scrapbook was given to the Halsted family in